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I am proud to be a member of Synergy Insurance Group.

Synergy is one of the leading insurance agencies in Florida.  We were founded in 2006 to serve Florida as an independent insurance agency dedicated to friendly service, professional know-how, and dependability. We take great pride in the solid relationships we maintain with our clients and strive to meet their unique coverage needs. Our team members take extra time to go over all the details of a policy and answer all questions so that our customers can be confident that they have made the right decision with their insurance needs.

When we started our agency, we decided that providing our customers with the peace of mind they deserve would be the foundation we built our business. We understand that the success of our business is tied to the happiness and satisfaction of our customers. That’s why we’re always working hard to make sure that you feel a personal connection with your insurance agent.





Your home is more than just where you live. It’s where your family sleeps, where you keep your valuable belongings, and where memories are made. Chances are that it’s your most valuable asset as well. It’s essential to have the right home insurance coverage for your needs because when your home is damaged or destroyed, you need to make sure your family and your life is protected. Synergy Insurance agents work with you personally to make sure that your homeowners' insurance policy will meet all of your needs and give you the peace of mind you deserve.

Whether you own or rent, insuring the place you call home can help protect you financially if you suffer a loss due to fire, theft, vandalism, or other covered events. It will also cover you in the event someone is injured while on your property and wins a legal judgment against you.

What you pay for your homeowner’s insurance depends on many factors. Your home insurance policy is most often made up of the specific options you choose. Our insurance experts are here to walk you through all of your different coverage options. How much you’ll pay for your policy depends on:

  • Insurance coverage options you select– Often homeowners insurance options are priced individually, so how much you’ll pay for your policy depends on what coverages you buy.

  • How much you want to cover– Higher deductibles usually lower your premium price by shifting part of the loss payment to you. For example, if you had a $500 deductible, you would be responsible for paying the first $500 of the covered loss.

  • Where you set your limits– You may choose to set higher limits than the recommended amount if appropriate to your situation and needs.




Having proper auto insurance coverage can help you get back on your feet in case your car is damaged or destroyed by an accident, fire, theft, or any other event covered by your policy. Your policy may also provide protection against medical and legal expenses caused by an accident involving your vehicle. Everyone’s coverage needs are different, so let our team of experts help you determine the best coverage for you.

Auto insurance is required by the state of Florida for every vehicle with four or more wheels. Florida is a no-fault state, meaning if you are injured in an accident, your car insurance will pay your medical costs up to your policy’s limits, regardless of who caused the accident.

The minimum requirement is $10,000 personal injury protection (PIP), and $10,000 property damage liability (PDL).

In addition to covering your part of any medical expenses and income loss that result from an accident, your PIP insurance will also cover:

  • Your child and other members of your household

  • Your child, when he or she is riding on a school bus

  • You, when you are a pedestrian or bicyclist involved in an accident

  • Passengers in your car who do not have their own PIP insurance and do not own a car

In addition to the required coverage, we also offer optional coverage to insure any damage to your vehicle. This includes:

  • Collision Insurance – Collision insurance pays for damage caused to your vehicle in an automobile accident, paying for repairs up to the fair market value of your car. This coverage usually also comes with an insurance deductible, which is the amount of money you pay toward repairs before your collision insurance kicks in.

  • Comprehensive Insurance – Comprehensive insurance covers damage done to your car in some way other than a collision, such as if it were stolen or vandalized. Floods, hurricane, theft, windshield damage, and fire are also events usually covered by comprehensive car insurance. Comprehensive insurance will pay up to the fair market value of your car (less than your insurance deductible).

If you fail to keep your vehicle insured, your license and registration will be suspended for up to three years or until proof of Florida insurance is provided.

Have an antique or classic car? Policies written for antique automobiles are unique, and policies depend on multiple factors. Find out how to get the best antique and classic car insurance policy! 

Every person is unique – talk to us today to find out how to get the best price and value on Florida car insurance.






Running a business takes a lot of responsibility, and ensuring your company’s assets are protected is a high priority. If an accident were to happen, do you know if you’d have the right coverage? Our team of insurance agents is here to help keep your business, employees and assets covered, no matter what. From work vehicles to workers’ compensation, Synergy has the business insurance your company needs. Browse our options below, and give us a call to learn more about Synergy business insurance.

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